March 4, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

A time for Thanksgiving

3 min read

November is the time of the year when holidays draw near, and we take time to reflect on those things for which we are thankful.   This year my family and I have much more to be thankful for with the opportunities I have had and those, which I have recently been granted.

I would first like to thank the constituents of the Third District for allowing me to serve them over the past six years. Your trust and faith in me to serve as your Supervisor is appreciated and was never taken for granted.   It has truly been an honor to serve you.

I would also like to thank my staff members who have worked hard to bring resolutions to issues affecting our district. My staff worked diligently with county departments to assist constituents, their communities and help the invaluable businesses we have in this district. You have done a wonderful job and I am thankful to have worked with each of you.

Without the hard work of all the County staff members from Public Works, Behavioral Health and so many more, we would not have had the success we did helping constituents find housing, providing safer and more reliable roads, or securing services for our esteemed veterans and those in need. I thank each Department director and staff, who have ensured the needs of the residents in this county were met.

I will always have the utmost respect and appreciation for the thousands of San Bernardino County first responders who work tirelessly day in and day out to ensure our families are safe. During my time as Supervisor, we faced unfortunate tragedies together. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the family of our fallen hero, Deputy Jeremiah MacKay who made the ultimate sacrifice in 2013 and with the survivors and the families of the victims of the December 2nd tragedy. We will never forget.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my fellow colleagues on the Board. It has been an honor serving with you and I look forward to continuing our work together.

As my time as your Supervisor comes to an end, I look back on the many things we have accomplished for our district. We have created a stronger connection with the unincorporated areas of our County, ensured public safety services and a safe water supply for constituents in remote locations. We have made significant progress in ending homelessness, especially for our veterans and youth. We have worked diligently to bring new projects to our district such as the upcoming completion of the new Big Bear Alpine Zoo and the continued work on the Pioneertown Water Pipeline Project.

I am especially grateful to serve the community as the first Native American elected to this office. It is fitting that during National Native American Heritage Month, I am able to reflect on the progress that has been made with many diverse cultures and the work that I will continue to do at the state level.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you as your County Supervisor. My family and I appreciate the trust you placed in me and I look forward to serving in my next role as the Assembly Member for the 40th District. May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

By James Ramos


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