March 10, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Aguilar announces over $5 million for Inland Empire emergency housing programs

2 min read

Rep. Pete Aguilar recently announced that the City of San Bernardino received $3,422,960 and the City of Fontana received $1,723,436 in Emergency Services Grant (ESG) funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help provide emergency housing services during the coronavirus crisis. These funds were made available by the CARES Act, which Congressman Aguilar helped pass on March 27, 2020.

“Right now, families in our communities need relief. These grant funds will go a long way toward making sure more Inland Empire residents who are struggling have a roof over their heads and a safe place to call home. I was proud to support this funding for our community, and I’ll continue to fight for additional resources to help support San Bernardino County residents during this crisis,” said Aguilar.

“The City of San Bernardino received this special allocation to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19).  The City is pleased to receive these dollars to be able to prioritize the unique needs of low- and moderate-income persons and the possible development of partnerships between all levels of government and the private for-profit and non-profit sectors. 

“The City anticipates using the funds for the following eligible activities pursuant to Council approval: Emergency Shelter – Shelter Operations and Shelter Rehabilitation, Street Outreach, Rapid Re-Housing and Mental Health Outreach.  CDBG-CV funds could possibly be used toward a three month Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program, the City’s Parks and Recreation Community Centers, such as certain modifications to its park facilities (kitchens, showers, communal areas), provision of assistance to local food banks, and assistance to the senior nutrition program,” said Michael Huntley, Director of Community and Economic Development Department.

“The pandemic has taken a devastating toll on families, but we are doing everything we can to ease the strain. The grant funds will be used to support a continuum of services in Fontana to prevent and eliminate homelessness for households impacted by COVID-19, this includes homeless prevention and rapid rehousing programs. Fontana remains committed to the safety and well-being of every resident during these most challenging times,” said Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren.

In March, Rep. Aguilar helped pass the CARES Act, legislation to provide resources to help communities like the Inland Empire navigate the coronavirus crisis. Since then, the House has passed the Heroes Act and updated Heroes Act to extend and expand key relief programs. Rep. Aguilar serves as Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee and is a member of the subcommittee that oversees HUD funding.


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