March 5, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

City of Colton celebrates receiving over 1,400 volunteer hours from motivated teens in the community

2 min read

Colton’s VolunTEEN program encompasses training in customer service, library operations, recreational leadership and more.

During the summer of 2022, nine Colton residents between the ages of 13-15 years old volunteered over 1,400 service hours with the city. 

The Community Service Department’s VolunTeen Program requires participants to volunteer at least 150 hours during summer break to receive a cash stipend. 

“The program typically runs six to eight weeks when school is out. But it has been inactive since the summer of 2019. The stipend had not been increased in many years, and this year’s VolunTeens were unaware of the stipend increase when they applied to the program in the spring,” said Community Services Department Recreation Manager Heidi Strutz.

Volunteers of the program participate in executing events, programming, and service initiatives – garnering skills that will carry them forward in the future. 

“In this program, our volunteers are taught customer service skills and are given programming experience across our three divisions of the community services department. I want to thank the city council for approving the funding for the program, including the increased stipend this year,” concluded Strutz. 

During the presentation, it was shared that many past volunteers have landed a job with the community services department. In contrast, other volunteers have launched careers in the medical, education, and recreation industry. 

“Remember, take what you learned here today and apply it to your life tomorrow and after that. It’s great to see the volunteers being recognized. But, still, it’s even more amazing to see them out at the events and witness the enthusiasm and commitment they display when working with the community services department. It’s heartwarming for me to see young people involved in our city,” said Mayor Frank Navarro. 

To learn more about the VolunTeen Program, visit


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