March 10, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Colton Lion’s Club hosts annual toy drive for local youth Dec. 11

2 min read

Photo courtesy Colton Lion’s Club:  The Colton Lion’s Club will be hosting its 2nd annual Holiday Toy Drive on Saturday, Dec. 11 from 8 am - 3 pm in a drive-thru format. Pictured are club members during last year’s event that amassed over 200 new toys. Pictured from left: Rebecca Jaurigue, Carlos Araiza, Evelyn Lopez, Ed Morden, Soledad Morden and Carmen Lozolla.

The Colton Lion’s Club will be hosting its second annual toy drive at the Stater Bros. parking lot on Valley Blvd. Saturday, Dec. 11 from 8 am – 3 pm. For those who are able to, please make a donation that will brighten the holidays for Colton youth. Donations will be distributed to families in the south side of the city through the nonprofit organization Faith, Hope & Change.

According to Lion’s Club president Erik Morden, last year’s drive amassed over 200 new toys, and the club is hoping for the same turnout this year.

“If there are toys left over we will give it either Santa Claus Inc. or where we feel there is a need,” Morden remarked. “The toys will stay in the local area.”

The club was rechartered in 2019, but with the pandemic that shut down the world, the Lion’s didn’t officially become a recognized club until May 1 of this year. Despite the setback, members had been engaging in community service to the city over the past year in the form of vision screenings, community clean-ups, creating care packages for the homeless, and distributing hand sanitizers and face masks.

Photo courtesy Colton Lion’s Club: A photo of last year’s distribution event that placed smiles on over 200 children’s faces, such as this little one whose smile can be seen through his eyes. Pictured with this young boy and his mother is Lion’s Club president Erik Morden.

Morden said the club, which is 21 members strong, is still working on raising seed money through yard sales and an upcoming pancake breakfast (date and location to be determined) to establish and fund scholarships, help feed the homeless, and support other community needs.

The vision of the Lions Club is to be “the global leader in community and humanitarian service.” Their focus throughout the world lies in many areas, including SightFirst, their effort to restore sight and prevent blindness.

The signature event, according to Morden, is the sight clinic scheduled for Feb. 12 at the Gonzales Center beginning at 8 am facilitated by California Lions Friends in Sight. During the event community members will obtain a free vision screening and free recycled eyeglasses.

A drop-off box for used eyewear is located at Neighborhood Market, 2531 S. La Cadena Dr. which is checked weekly by a Lion’s Club member. If you are interested in joining Lion’s Club, they meet on the first and third Thursdays at 6:30 pm at Neighborhood Market.


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