January 18, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Rialto’s Neighborhood Watch Program reinstated, could lower city’s crime rate

2 min read

Photo Rialto Police Department:  On February 10, 2022, Rialto Police Department will be reinstating the Neighborhood Watch Program, providing residents an opportunity to get involved with policing around the community. A meeting will be held at 6:30 for residents interested in participating in the program at 429 W. Rialto Ave.

After almost two years (due to COVID-19), the Neighborhood Watch Program is making its big return to Rialto. 

On Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 pm, Rialto Police Department (RPD) is coordinating a Neighborhood Watch Program meeting for residents in the city looking to build a stronger relationship with the department and network with their neighbors, with the goal of keeping crime low in neighborhoods. 

“This nation-wide program strengthens the relationship between police departments and residents, as we give them tools and resources on how to police their neighborhoods. At this initial meeting, residents will be identifying neighborhood captains, who moving forward will be the ones to lead the future Neighborhood Watch Program meetings. We’ll maintain an open line of communication and address the identified issues that they bring to the department,” said RPD Community Services Officer Amanda DeLeon.

For example, if a neighborhood captain notices a continuance of speeding down a certain street, they’d connect with the department’s Community Service Officers, identify the issue(s), and the department will address it. 

“It’s all about being proactive and getting community members to want to get ahead of crime as a community. It’s also such a great way for residents to meet neighbors. Maybe somewhere down the line these neighbors could be the ones watching over your home while you’re away and check on you if they see anything suspicious. We need our neighbors, the more community we have the better off we all are,” continued DeLeon.

Residents who attend the meeting on February 10 will have the opportunity to get all of their questions answered by the city’s Community Service Officers.

“We’ll be answering all questions from residents in attendance. Those who join us can expect a presentation on the purpose of the program, learn how it started, and how often the meetings should be held. A neighborhood watch program is truly what each individual community makes of it. We’ll be making sure to give them the tools, information, and points of contact at RPD to be successful,” concluded DeLeon. 

The meeting will be held at 429 W Rialto Ave.

RSVP by emailing cop@rialtopd.com. To learn more, follow RPD on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RialtoPD.


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