March 8, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. celebrates six months in office with roadmap to revitalization

2 min read

Joe Baca, Jr. pictured at his swearing-in ceremony with wife Jennifer and children on December 7, 2020.

In June 2021, San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. celebrates six months of success in office and looks toward a future of revitalization as he brings forth a plan for healthier and sustainable communities across the county.

To date, in just 180 days, Baca’s office has served well over 400 constituents in the 5th District via COVID-19 town-hall meetings, food drives, community clean-ups, expungement and hiring events, and more.

“It’s been a focused first six months for us in the Fifth Supervisorial District. We have been busy addressing county business such as adopting the budget, coordinating events to provide resources to the community, and working with the 80-plus county departments to deliver to the residents of the Fifth District,” said Baca.

Looking back on the past six months Baca says his biggest accomplishment thus far is working to provide direct constituent services to residents in his district and beyond.

“Serving the public by navigating the county departments and the resources we have available has been one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve experienced thus far,” continued Baca.

Some of those resources include feeding over 1,000 children and adults and bringing an estimated 4,500 job opportunities to the county through his involvement in an expungement and hiring event that was held in May 2021.

“Having that we adopted the county budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and have one-time funding available through the American Rescue Plan Act, I look forward to seeing the capital improvement projects I’ve advocated for in my “Roadmap to Revitalization” plan. The deferred maintenance on some of our roads, bridges, and flood channels is in dire need of recovery and that is exactly what I intend to do.

To read Baca’s complete “Roadmap to Revitalization: A plan for Healthier and Sustainable Communities”, visit Connect with Baca at


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