March 4, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

September 6, 2018

6 min read

Singing Group:

Thursdays, September 6, 13, 20, & 27- the Garcia Center for the Arts holds San Bernardino Folksongs at 1:00 p.m. at the Center, 536 W. 11th Street, San Bernardino. Everyone is welcome to come and sing with the group and enjoy a stress-free experience. For information call Joyce at (909) 882-1372.

Dance Classes:

Mondays – September 10 to October 15 – the Redlands Community Center will hold Ballroom Dance Classes from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. at the Center, 111 W. Lugonia Ave. This group of classes will focus on the waltz. Tango lessons will be offered October 22nd to November 12th. Classes are $25 per couple per lesson. For information call (909) 798-7572 or email


Now – October 31 – the Garcia Center for the Arts presents a photographic exhibit by Michael Hardison, “This Beautiful San Bernardino”  at the center, 536 W. 11th Street, San Bernardino. Hardison’s view: “… the City is beautiful with a rich and diverse history and with the potential to regain its vibrancy and strength.” The images in this exhibit and forthcoming books portray the artist’s view of San Bernardino – “…confirming that beauty exists here, if you slow down and look for it.” For information on exhibit viewing hours call (909) 888-6400.

Now – November 4 – the Riverside Art Museum (RAM) presents 4 Threads: New Work, an exploration of the contemporary Chicano experience. This exhibit features the work of Jaime Chavez, Gerardo Monterrubio, Jaime Munoz, and Jaime “GERMS” Zacarias. These talented and acclaimed artists share the exuberance, richness, and pathos of their complex cultural identity.  Each brings their own perspective and personal exploration of their community: Jaime Munoz, Mesoamerican imagery; Jaime Chavez, Cholo styles of the 70’s and 80’s; Jaime Zacarias, cleverly stylized Lucha Squids; and Gerardo Monterrubio, clay vessels that combine the elements of Mexican mural painting with his artist beginnings as a graffiti artist.  RAM is located at 3425 Mission Inn. Ave. For information call (909) 664-7111 or visit

Now – December 11 – the California State University San Bernardino Anthropology Dept. presents “InlDignity” an exhibit aimed at exploring and dismantling intolerance through the experiences of Inland Empire residents. In/Dignity takes its title from a double entendre simultaneously reading as a single word – indignity – and two separate words – in dignity.  These two meanings capture precisely what the exhibit examines: experiences with oppression, discrimination, bigotry, exclusion, stigma, and prejudice, and simultaneously the pride and self-respect that is necessary for everyone facing injustice. The Museum is located in the university’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences building’s third floor, room SB-306. The Museum is open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. For information and to arrange tours call the museum director at (909) 537-5505 or visit: Admission is free, parking is $6.00.

Now – December 29, 2018 -The Lincoln presents “Reflections of the Face of Lincoln” at the

Lincoln Memorial Shrine, 125 W. Vine Street, Redlands from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday – Sunday (closed most major holidays). This exhibit, created by Garner Holt Productions, Inc., is housed in the Shrine’s west wing. The show is for all ages, it’s a combination of theme park and real history. Tickets are $5 per person for an 11-minute performance. For information and to make arrangements for groups call (909) 798-7636 or (909) 798-7632 or visit

Now to December 30 – the Riverside Art Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave. presents Jaime Guerrero l Contemporary Relics: A Tribute to the Makers. This exhibit by the glass sculptor gives museum visitors a glimpse into early Mesoamerican life and art. This exhibit is part of The

Chechen @RAM series of exhibits leading to the opening of the Chechen Marin Center for Chicano Arts, Culture & Industry In 2020. For information visit

Save the Date:

Friday, September 7 – Kiwanis of Greater San Bernardino will hold its Installation Dinner in honor of incoming president Pamela Montana and new officers and directors from 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. at the Arrowhead Country Club, 1433 Parkside Drive. Proceeds from this event go to the club’s Scholarship Fund. To RSVP call (909) 864-4719  or email

Saturday, September 8 – Aquinas High School will hold its Grand Opening of its Performing Arts Center Carnival from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the school campus, 2772 Sterling Ave., San Bernardino. This family friendly event features tours of the facility, food trucks, games, and activities for the kids. This facility was made possible through a partnership with the Shea Foundation and the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to serve and support the Arts of the Inland Empire. For information call (909) 886-4659.

Saturday, September 8 – Veterans Partnering with Community (VPWC) will hold its 2nd Annual 9/11 National Day Of Service /Military Care Packages from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Fontana Community Senior Center, 16710 Ceres Ave.

Saturday, September 8 – the Friends of the San Bernardino Public Library will hold a used Book Sale from 9:00 a.m. to noon for members and from noon to 4:00 for non-members ( memberships available at the door)  at the Feldheym Central Library Friends Room, 555 W. 6th Street For information call (909) 381-8251 or 381-8201.

Saturday, September 8 – the Young Woman’s Empowerment Foundation presents its 6th Annual Wellness Event: Tragedies To Triumph from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at San Bernardino Community Hospital (Henderson Auditorium), 1805 Medical Center Drive, San Bernardino. Attendees are advised to dress comfortably to participate in Soul Line Dance and Exercise Demo. Guest speakers include: Nina Torres, Wendy Whitmore, Tina Darling, and Patricia A. Gonzales. There will be a free continental breakfast, lunch, giveaways and more. For information contact YWEFOUNDATION@GMAIL.COM.

Saturday, September 8 – the City of Rialto and the West Valley Water District will hold Free Workshops (primarily in Spanish) on Irrigation and the Maintenance of your yard/garden from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Grace Vargas Senior Center, 1411 South Riverside Ave.. The workshops will cover the following topics: pruning, how to prepare your garden/yard for autumn, fertilizing, planting and maintenance of drought resistant plants and irrigation systems for your yard and garden. To register contact

Sunday, September 9 – the Tzu Chi Foundation presents Free Family Health Clinic  from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Indian Springs High School, 650 Del Rosa Drive, San Bernardino. Services include medical screenings, dental, acupuncture, and pharmaceuticals.  Service is on a first come, first serve. For information call (909) 383-1360.

Monday, September 10 – the Redlands Quality of Life Department and Redlands Recreation and Senior Services presents Desserts & Dialogue with Luis Fuerte from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the Redlands Community Senior Center, 111 W. Lugonia Ave. Luis Fuerte, long-time cameraman for Huell Howser of California Gold Fame, will discuss his book “Louie Take a Look at This!: My Time with Huell Howser.” Besides sharing Howser stores, Fuerte will give a true insider’s view of filming with Howser around California. Fuerte, born in San Bernardino and raised in Colton, was editor, lighting director, sound engineer and cameraman for the late Huell  Howser. This is a fee event open to the public after the regular Senior nutritional lunch. For information contact the center at (909) 798-7579.

Thursday, September 13 – iHelpIE (iHelp Inland Empire-Serving Seniors) in celebration of  Hispanic Heritage Month is hosting a “El Grito” Senior Celebration from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Grace Vargas Senior Center, 1411 S. Riverside Ave., Rialto This event features music, dancing, pozole and more in celebration of Latino cultures and Mexico’s Independence Day. Tickets are $5. For information call or text Maricela Ferguson at (909) 717-2083 or email

Friday, September 14 – the Inland Empire Future Leaders Program (IEFLP) will hold its 9th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser at Shandin Hills Golf Club, 3380 Little Mountain Drive, San Bernardino. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. with an 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start followed by students who have participated in the program. This 34-year-old program operates with a 100% volunteer staff. To register online  visit  and for sponsorships call Carlos Trujillo at (909) 208-4463.

Saturday, September 15 – the San Bernardino County Arrowhead Medical Center, 400 N. Pepper Ave is offering Free Cancer Screenings for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude at 1:00 p.m. Because of time constraints only the first 200 registrants can be screened. Parking is free, however there is no childcare. In addition to the screening there will be sessions on cancer prevention. For information call (909) 580-1316 or visit

Quote of the Week:

“Identity was partly heritage, partly upbringing, but mostly the choices you make in life.”

– Patricia Briggs, Cry Wolf 

To submit an event or information for Gloria’s Corner please email:

Deadline is 12 p.m. each Friday.

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