January 27, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Rialto Middle School holds annual Career Day

2 min read

The Rialto Police Department was one of the presenters during the annual Career Day at Rialto Middle School.

On Wednesday, Feb. 27 Rialto Middle School held their annual career day where 53 different presenters came out to expose students to a wide variety of potential careers. Many were traditional careers that included law enforcement, education and the medical field. Yet there were many presenters that were from career fields we may not think of when we are preparing kids for their future.

School Principal Robin McMillon spoke to the presenters to explain the importance of the day ahead of them.

“Our students will graduate from high school one day and they will be looking at a job market that is totally different than us today as adults. We want to make sure our students have a chance to hear about the hard work it takes to have not just a career but a successful career that they enjoy.”

One presenter was John Merchant also known as FAAHZ. Merchant is a Beat Boxer, Actor and Radio DJ among other amazing things. Merchant asked students how they thought he found his success.

He revealed that he found success through practice and hard work. He also discussed the importance of reading because reading books about other great people gives him a chance to learn from their success.

“I can never walk in the shoes of a Jay Z or Denzel Washington shoes but if I can apply what they did to overcome the no’s then I can have the same success they have.”

When listening to the Public Safety presenters they drilled home the importance of good grades and trying your best at all times.

“If your baby brother was choking and needed medical help would you want the paramedic that got A’s in school or C’s helping your brother?” asked Captain Jake Ploehn to a class of students. Public Safety presenters also spoke about the many other job opportunities in Public Safety in public relations, records and dispatch. Each presenter had 15 raffle tickets in their folders. These tickets were provided to give the presenters a chance to reward students that engaged with their presentations. Those raffle tickets would give the classroom teachers an opportunity to reward students that looked to get the most of the Career Day opportunity.


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