San Bernardino destined for greatness
3 min read
Photo Manny B. Sandoval: San Bernardino City.
A Letter to the Editor by Keith S. McCarter, B.S., J.D.
San Bernardino will always be my home. SB has seen some very low points but it has weathered the storm as best as it could. Now we must start to look to the future. I am absolutely convinced that SB is destined for greatness. Each and every person who loves SB must now start to conduct themselves as if we come from greatness-residents, workers, professionals and politicians alike.
Let us begin by creating a rubric to choosing our future politicians. Politicians are very important because they make the decisions which dictate whether or not our city prospers. In order for our city to be great we must start by having strong and competent leadership.
From here on, this is how we need to choose the leadership associated with our great city.
- The old guard has had ample opportunity to make San Bernardino what it is destined to be. They have failed. We must refrain from electing anyone who has held an elected office in or near San Bernardino within the last 15 years.
- When politicians get into office, the very fact that they won the election gives them a prowess for fundraising. Many abuse the power by suggesting to businesses that they must donate to the politicians’ campaign in order to continue to do business. No matter how you view this fundraising technique, it is wrong.
Free will is good. Coercion is bad. This is ethics 101. If a soon to be politician does not understand this then he or she cannot lead our city to greatness. Furthermore, fundraising efforts must be centered around our great city and not for the benefit of a person or campaign. Once in office the tag line for fundraising must be “Donate to the campaign to help revitalize our Carousel Mall”. The unacceptable alternative tag line is, “Donate to my campaign to help keep me in office so I can look out for your needs.”
This personal tag line can no longer be tolerated. Politicians of the Destined for Greatness Team will focus on building the city coffers to better our city, and not for the lining of their pockets. The new and worthy politician must have a proven sense of selflessness.
3. The politician must have a proven record of success in their own life. If they have not conducted themselves well in their own life, how can they lead our city to greatness? If the person was in the military they must have some notable achievements. If they have a family, they must be successful in their family life. They need not be perfect but must demonstrate success in some area of their personal life.
Damon Alexander shall be the first of the Destined for Greatness Team. Just as he did for over 20 years, he places SB first and foremost. He started as an officer with the United States Department of Justice. Then he advanced to working in other law enforcement areas. All throughout his career he has volunteered for many organizations throughout San Bernardino to help build communities and foster an unshakeable belief that our city will be great.
Despite being humble, the success he achieved in his personal life is rivaled by none. He joined and excelled in the Marines. He has done well with his career. He has a beautiful and loving family.
Now he has retired from the federal government and has literally doubled his communal volunteering efforts.
He is not a part of the old guard. However, he is known and respected by the old guard. So his ability to bring the NEW while consulting with the OLD is invaluable.
For these reasons and many more, he is the first, and deservedly so, member of the “Destined for Greatness Team.” We are trusting in you to stay the course and befriend our subsequent appointees and work together toward our most important and number one cause-Make San Bernardino Great because that is its DESTINY.
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