March 11, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Aguilar announces 2018 Congressional Art Competition for Inland Empire high school students

2 min read

iecn photo courtesy  Office of Pete Aguilar  Last year’s winning submission “The Start of Something Great” by Gemma Delgado.

Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-San Bernardino) announced that his office will once again participate in the Congressional Art Competition, an annual showcase of art from high school students from across the country. The competition allows high school students in every congressional district to submit works of art to their local Congressional offices. The chosen winner in each district is then displayed in the US Capitol for a year.

“The Congressional Art Competition is a great platform for Inland Empire students to show off their unique talents and express themselves through creativity,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “Seeing art from back home hanging in the Capitol building always brings a smile to my face, so I look forward to this competition every year.”

To participate in the Congressional Art Competition, students must be in high school and live in California’s 31st Congressional District, a map of which is available here. Submissions may be up to 26 inches by 26 inches, 4 inches in depth and no more than 15 pounds, including the frame. Original paintings, drawings, collages and prints are all accepted. Students should also adhere to the “My Future” theme, with submissions focused on their visions for their own futures or the future of the Inland Empire region.

The winning submission will be displayed in the United States Capitol for one year, along with the winning submissions from Congressional districts around the country. In addition, the winner will have the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. for a reception with winners from other districts around the nation. Submissions must be delivered to Rep. Aguilar’s office at 685 East Carnegie Drive, Suite 100 in San Bernardino no later than 5:00PM on March 23rd, 2018. For additional information, please call 909-890-4445, or visit Rep. Aguilar’s website.


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