Boyd Elementary opened Parent Center with Ribbon Cutting
4 min read
Photos RUSD: Boyd Elementary School held its grand opening ceremony for its Parent Center with hundreds of parents and local leaders in attendance, including Boyd families and the Rialto Unified School District Board of Education. Pictured from left to right as the ribbon was cut: RUSD Superintendent Dr.Cuauhtémoc Avila, Myra Vera-Rizo, RUSD Board Member, Dina Walker, Boyd Principal Gilbert Pulido, San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor, Joe Baca Jr., and Boyd Assistant Principal Ms. Hutchens.
J. C. Boyd Elementary School, “Home of the Bulldogs,” opened a brand new Parent Center on campus, giving Rialto Unified School District families a valuable resource and a place to be a part of their children’s elementary education.
With a cut of the ribbon, the Boyd Bulldogs officially opened the center at a ceremony on its campus, located at 310 East Merrill Avenue in Rialto, on August 18. Along with a grand-opening ceremony, booths from several RUSD services areas and parent advocacy groups were set up to provide information as well as goodies for local students and their families. Hundreds of attendees, which included Boyd Elementary School staff and parent leaders, RUSD Superintendent Dr. Cuauhtémoc Avila, RUSD Board of Education Member Dina Walker, and San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca Jr., gathered to celebrate the opening of the Bulldogs’ Parent Center.

Supervisor Baca fondly remembered attending Boyd Elementary School as a student and presented Boyd Principal Gilbert Pulido with a certificate of recognition at the ceremony.
The Bulldog’s Parent Center will provide a space for various resources and volunteer opportunities for Boyd Elementary families. The festively decorated center, which is adorned with plenty of images of “Champ” the Bulldogs’ mascot, also includes space to highlight student achievement.
Evelyn Dominguez, Boyd Elementary School parent leader, was one of the key parents who helped push for a parent center at Boyd ES, working closely with Pulido and teachers Yesenia Willison and Maria Rivas.
“I want parents to come in here and be able to be a part of their children’s education, understand their children’s education, and know the resources that are available to them within our District,” Dominguez shared, recognizing that it was a joint venture between parents, PTA and the staff, at the grand-opening ceremony. “Parent involvement is the biggest thing that we can give to our kids. I thank the Board of Education, and (RUSD Superintendent) Dr. Avila, and yes, especially Ms. Walker for bringing this idea years ago.”
Dominguez credited Walker’s vision dating back eight years ago when she was a candidate for a seat on the school board as an inspiration for the creation of Boyd’s parent center. Walker, who is in her final term as a Board Member, ran for a seat on the Board of Education with parent involvement as part of her platform. Dominguez is running unopposed as a candidate for the RUSD Board of Education on the November 8, 2022, ballot, running in Trustee Area 5, which is located in the south end of the City.
“One of the platforms which I ran on was making sure we had increased parent engagement and authentic parent engagement and that we give parents an opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process, and the great things that can happen in Rialto, because of it” Walker stated at the ceremony. Walker, also a mother of two RUSD students and business leader, added, “This parent center is a part of that vision from eight years ago when I started to run for office. This is an opportunity for you, as parents. Make sure you utilize this center. Utilize the staff and make sure this is your home to get anything you need for your children, anything you need for yourself, as parents, to be better parents for your children so that they can have the best academic experience in our wonderful District. I thank Boyd’s staff and parents. This is just awesome.”
Parent involvement has long been a crucial part of the RUSD. The District has successfully attracted thousands of families to the Parent Summit since 2009. Additionally, Curtis T. Winton Parent Institute, located at 324 North Palm Avenue in Rialto, operates as a resource center for families across the RUSD and was recently renovated.
Rivas spoke about the importance of parent involvement from a teacher’s perspective during Boyd’s grand opening ceremony.
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations,” Rivas added. “I hope with the addition of the Boyd Parent Center, we will be able to strengthen our community and establish strong teacher-parent relationships that will not only allow our students to thrive academically but also give our parents and community a sense of belonging. I know that together we will do amazing things here at Boyd.”
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