Colton Youth Council Meets City Manager and Tours Fire Station
2 min read
Photo (L to R in front of fire station 211) front row: Dr.G, Council Member and Advisor; Kaeley Diaz, Elizabeth Hernandez, Sienna Fernandez, Genesis Rodela Uriarte, and Sebastian Tabares. back row: Deputy Chief Justin Weems, Battalion Chief/Fire Marshall Jon Boggs, Fire Safety Specialist Rick McBride, Firefighter/Paramedic Aaron Cornejo, Engineer Shaugn Hill, Firefighter/Paramedic Darin Guitierrez.
Last week was the November meeting of the newly re-established City of Colton Youth Council. Starting in September, the Youth Council has now met three times and has already learned much information about leadership and the basic operation of our city. The topic in September was “Youth Leadership,” presented by Dr. G In October, the Youth Council members learned about “Community Services,” which was presented by Recreation Services Manager Heidi Strutz, and last week, the City Manager Mr. Bill Smith was the guest speaker. “This is a great group of students and speaks well about the future leadership of the City of Colton,” commented Mr. Smith, as he closed his presentation about city government.
The members of the Youth Council are Genesis Rodela Uriarte, Sienna Fernandez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Sebastian Tabares, and Kaeley Diaz. All of the students are seniors at Colton High School and have been accepted as members of the Youth Council by demonstrating leadership skills, academic excellence and receiving recommendations from their teachers. Dr. G is founder and Director of the Colton Youth Council, which originally started in 2016.
The November 13 meeting was very successful. Genesis served as Chair, which was an appointment based her current position as Youth Commissioner on the Colton Parks and Recreation Commission. The agenda included; Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Report on the Parks & Recreation Commission, Schedule of Speakers, the Guest Speaker presentation by the City Manager, History of Colton, leadership and volunteer opportunities, a review of Colton Publications and then a special inside tour of the main Colton Fire Station.
Being that Fire Station 211 is one block away, the Youth Council left on a walking “field trip” from city hall, and met up with an enthusiastic team of fire fighter personnel who were more than willing to share their knowledge and experience stories with the students. The students toured the facility, met the staff, and had an up-close look at a city fire engine, paramedic truck, and associated equipment. Fire Captain Joey Armendarez led the tour and answered questions from the students. In addition, two of the students were given the opportunity to don official “turnout gear.” Fire Chief Ray Bruno offered this statement about the program. “Everyone has the power to inspire change, and this is how the students gain that inspiration.
The purpose of the Youth Council is to train outstanding students who have demonstrated great potential for becoming future community leaders, and to teach them about leadership, Colton history, and civic service. The City of Colton continues to support this program and looks forward to their development and involvement in civic affairs throughout the remainder of this fiscal year.
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