COVID-19 – all is not lost; let’s think about using our time wisely
3 min read
By Dr. G (Dr. Luis Gonzalez), Colton Councilman, community advocate, writer

A lot has been said about the COVID-19 situation and the steps that have been taken by local government, the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, and the state government, under orders of Governor Gavin Newsom.
One challenging aspect that is proving to be somewhat exasperating for residents, and businesses too, is the shelter-at-home Executive Order N-33-20, signed by Governor Newsom on March 19. For 62 days to the date of this publication, every single individual in California has been affected by this order, and in many cases, have now formulated an opinion as to the best way to adapt, or in some cases, protest.
For residents, who not only have been compelled to stay at home for time unknown, they are also faced with the challenge of wondering what to do, and balancing their time. This conundrum is especially evident if they also have a spouse at home 24-7, or school aged kids to supervise, mentor, and in many cases, teach.
In any case, when it comes to break time, you may want to first take a nap to rejuvenate yourself. In addition, a great way to deal with the conditions of boredom and exasperation is to take advantage of the opportunity to work on your own well-being.
For example, take a look at your health. Exercise and diet are important, so developing a short exercise routine will do wonders for providing movement, and perhaps strength and coordination. Just this week, I pulled out my dumbbells from the closet and added some reps to my morning routine. The best part is you can schedule your exercises any time of the day. Also, if you’re not accustomed to cooking too often, maybe this is a good time to explore some quick and easy recipes for quick, easy and healthy meals. Who knows, you might enjoy the taste of fresh food, and benefit from the extra savings by eating at home.
Another pursuit that is worthwhile is self-development. Depending on your interests and knack for learning new skills, the time at home may provide a golden opportunity to learn a new language, play an instrument, write a poem, create a drama, or paint a picture. Who knows, maybe you might turn into a part-time Mozart, or Picasso. The ideas are endless.
Finally, your “extra” time can be well spent honing in on your own resourcefulness. How many times have you thought about re-decorating a room, cleaning out the garage, planting a garden, or writing a letter? Well, now you have the time and once again…the ideas are endless. Making new connections, working on a puzzle, reading a book, or calling your neighbor to check on them will bring back to you countless blessings of satisfaction and good will.
No matter your take on the COVID-19 situation, all is not lost. By working on your health, self-development, or resourcefulness, you can pass the time wisely by being productive, and contribute to your own well-being, and that of the members of your household.
Blessings to you.
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