Give BIG San Bernardino County two weeks away; schedule your donations now
2 min read
The County Board of Supervisors pose with nonprofit agencies during last year's launch party.
Give BIG San Bernardino County is less than two weeks away, but you can beat the rush and schedule your donations today.
The 24-hour online event, which will be held at, is designed to generate funding for nonprofits in the county while building a culture of philanthropy and giving throughout the community. On Oct. 30, donors are encouraged to go online and give to their favorite local causes and charities and celebrate their donations on social media using #GiveBIGSBCounty. The scheduled donations will process during the day of the campaign.
“The ever-growing trend of Giving Days is spreading across the country, spurred by caring communities who’re embracing new ways of giving,” said Michelle Decker, President and CEO of The Community Foundation, which is coordinating the Give BIG San Bernardino County campaign with support by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. “Since it started four years ago, Give BIG has raised more than $1.3 million for 333 San Bernardino County nonprofits. We’re encouraged that the community will show up again during the county’s biggest giving day.”
“Give BIG nonprofits, sponsors and community members have raised money and inspired a new culture of philanthropy in the county over the last four years and we are confident the spirit of giving will continue during this year’s campaign,” said San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Robert Lovingood. “Donations raised during the Give BIG web-a-thon will contribute to the economic health and quality of life for individuals throughout our county.”
Give BIG San Bernardino County is designed to raise awareness of the county’s fundraising needs and to help nonprofits become self-sustaining by expanding their donor bases. Participating nonprofits will be listed on the program’s website – – before, during and after the web-a-thon. More than 90 nonprofits have signed up so far.
Sponsors of Give BIG San Bernardino County include San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, The California Endowment, The James Irvine Foundation, NBC4 Southern California, California State University San Bernardino, KCAA Radio, Southern California News Group, Inland Empire Magazine and the 66ers.
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