March 9, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Immaculate Church Kicks off Toy Drive

2 min read

Photo Dr. G: Eloy Sanchez, Dinner Hour Ministry Coordinator,; Rev. Max Tzul, FmM; Dr. G, Council Member and Community Advocate.

For the 33rd year, the Immaculate Church “Dinner Hour” program kicked off their annual Children’s Toy Drive last week with a donation from Dr.G, (Dr Luis S Gonzalez) Council Member and well-known Community Advocate.

The Dinner Hour program has evolved over the years. Due to many organizational, manpower, and financial challenges, this long-running program has included food give-a-ways, walk-up food distribution, sit-down dinner, entertainment, drive-up food distribution, and a drive-thru food distribution. Currently, about 30 volunteers help each week on Wednesday mornings to set-up, distribute the food boxes, and guide the vehicles. “It’s a process,” explained Assistant Coordinator, Doug Blinkinsop.

Another important part of the Dinner Hour program is their Annual Children’s Toy Drive, with started October 19 with the first donation, and will continue until we reach our goal of raising $4,000. “This is the time to start our Toy Drive,” explained program Coordinator Eloy Sanchez, who continued, “Our fund-drive team will get to work raising funds for the purchase of toys.” The team includes Eloy Sanchez, Dinner Hour Ministry Coordinator; Apolinar “Pino” Espudo, Dinner Hour Ministry Volunteer; and Dr. G (Dr Luis S Gonzalez), Council Member and Community Advocate.

When the fund-raising is completed, Eloy and Doug will take a trip to Los Angeles to purchase hundred of toys, large and small, to load into their equipment truck, and bring them home to prepare for the December Toy “Give-Away.” On December 22, approximately 400 children will be at the Toy Give-Away event, which will include a blessing, snacks, food distribution, music, special guests, the Colton Elf, and Santa Claus. Close to 1,000 people are expected. Parents, visitors, and members of the public are welcome, and some local organizational groups also participate in the celebration.

When we talk about community involvement, the great effort performed by our local churches makes an impact in the community, and needs to be recognized. Many of them, such as Immaculate Church, offer weekly meals or food boxes for the homeless, or food for those in need. “No one is turned away,” exclaimed Eloy Sanchez. In addition, as resources permit, offer clothing, sundries, and other essential items. The Toy Drive Give-Away at the Immaculate Church is an effective outreach for the community and has established itself as a popular seasonal event.

The City of Colton is fortunate to have this excellent church outreach for the benefit of residents  in our community, especially during the holidays. The Toy Drive Give-Away is a great event and benefits many children. For more information about the Dinner Hour program, the Children’s Toy Drive Give-Away, or donating to the Toy Drive, please contact Eloy Sanchez @ 909-520-1600.

For more information about CITY TALK, various community groups, Colton history, the trash clean-up, the G-Team, prayer list, history briefs, Veteran Spotlight, Church Spotlight, Business Spotlight, U.S. “Flag Watch,” neighborhood meetings, community projects and events, or the online live-stream programs, text/call Dr. G @ 213-3730. Questions and comments are always welcome.


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