March 4, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Music Changing Lives to create a million millionaires in the Inland Empire

2 min read

Photo MCL: Music Changing Lives Founder and CEO Josiah Bruny (far right), with volunteers distributing thousands of pounds of food to the community every Wednesday morning at the corner of 40th and Electric in north end San Bernardino, an initiative in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Music Changing Lives Founder and CEO Josiah Bruny has set forth on a new initiative, to create one million millionaires across the Inland Empire by targeting youth’s understanding of health, wealth, fitness, and self-actualization.

The 501(c)(3) has been busy transforming the lives of IE youth since 1998 through music, art and tutoring programs…but has recently embarked on an ambitious initiative to provide an even greater hand up to the youth in the region.

“I created a policy titled ‘Empowerment 2 Policy: A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out’, where we’ll be turning our sites into wellness centers and give our youth access to attain support from career counselors, financial educators, business consultants, music and art therapists and so much more,” said Bruny.

The forthcoming program is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which is comprised of a five tier model from the top down consisting of self actualization, esteem, love and belonging, safety and psychological needs.

“This pandemic is severely affecting children and families, and the life-changing programs that serve them. With the forced closures of schools and community centers, children and families who rely on programs that provide services for academic, cultural, emotional, and mental support no longer have access to them and will have traumatic effects on their quality of life,” continued Bruny.

He also shared a sentiment on how he was raised by a single mother and faced adversity along the way.

“I remember in elementary school hearing that if you’re African American or a woman you’re going to make less money than your white male counterpart. On its own, that led me into negative peer pressure and in the mindset that I’m already set up for failure. When I got older and realized that was a lie, I vowed the ignorance would stop there and “each one, teach one,” an African American proverb which means to pass on the information you’ve been blessed to learn,” Bruny said.

With a plan in place and a policy created, Music Changing Lives is simply awaiting support from local politicians to sign the bill.

“We have a petition on that we’re encouraging signatures from the public; we’ve garnered over 750 signatures and our goal is 1,000+,” said Bruny. “I want to get all of our people behind this initiative and bring them to the realization that politicians work for us. Until we start raising our voices and demand change it’s going to remain stagnant and you’ll never see proper infrastructure for the people.”

“I want to thank the people that have helped us get this far. If we can provide the youth in our region with a true hand up and not a hand out…we can assist so many people with self actualization to become positive contributors to our communities,” concluded Bruny.

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