National Earth Science Week Rocks at County Museum
2 min read
Earth Science Week in the Inland Empire comes to the San Bernardino County Museum on Sunday, Oct. 8 through Sunday, Oct.15. Now in its 20th year nationally, the American Geosciences Institute has organized this national and international event to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth Sciences and to encourage stewardship of the earth. This year’s theme, “Earth and Human Activity,” promotes awareness of what geoscience tells us about human interaction with the planet’s natural systems and processes. The San Bernardino County Museum is participating in this year’s theme with a variety of interactive challenges and family programs featuring geology and paleontology.
On Sunday, Oct. 8, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., enter our geode-making contest and put your skills to the test! Make a volcano and learn what it has to do with ocean acidification. Let your artistic side out as you create geological layer candles.
On Wednesday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., celebrate National Fossil Day. Excavate at our Find-A-Fossil Station. See if you can go even further and identify fossils with some helpful hints. Get your hands dirty and make your very own fossil to take home with you. Learn all about fossils and what they can tell us about the animals and plant life that dominated this area millions of years ago.
On Sunday, Oct. 15, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Get Ready for the Great California Shakeout! Join County Fire in the simulator truck, and experience what an earthquake feels like. Put your building skills to the test and see if your structure stays standing. Need a stricter Richter? Build your own seismograph and see what it tells you about how earthquakes are measured. We’ll help you get ready for an earthquake by sharing tips about earthquake preparedness. In addition to County Fire, we’ll be joined by community partners with information, giveaways, and practical advice about safety and preparedness before, during, and after an earthquake.
Throughout the week, visit “Sculpted by Time: Our Mountains, Faults, Lakes and Caves,” the newly opened gallery in the Hall of Earth Sciences where you explore the geologic history of San Bernardino County. Pick up ideas and instructions for at-home Earth Science activities—prepare a chemical solution and watch a stalagmite grow, or make an edible geode. Take photos of your creations and enter our geode contest!
According to Museum Director Melissa Russo, “This year’s Earth Science Week theme fits perfectly into the work the San Bernardino County Museum is doing to promote public understanding of our environment. Our new exhibits, like Sculpted by Time and the Hall of Biodiversity, highlight the interconnectedness and fragility of Earth’s ecosystems and the importance of human stewardship of this precious planet.”
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