March 3, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Reason to Celebrate America

4 min read

I am indebted to Dinesh D’Souza of the Washington Times, who wrote an article on July 4, 2002 on the subject “Ten Great Reasons to Celebrate America.” The substance of his article was especially provocative. Especially important for these times.

There is a lack of patriotism on the part of many Americans. As a native of Bombay, India, he is now a U.S. citizen. In fact, he has been a citizen since April 25, 1967. As such he feels qualified to say what is special about his adopted country. He states, “I am acutely conscious of the daily blessings I enjoy in America.” He then lists the 10 great things, as he sees them, about America.

I will condense all of them both for you and me; and paraphrase others.

1. America provides a great and good life for the ordinary people. Rich people live well everywhere, but America provides an incomparable good life for we commoners.

2. America gives us more opportunities and social mobility than any other country in the world. He then lists several immigrants that came here, became citizens and are now extremely wealthy; like Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay. He says, “No country has created a better ladder than America for people to ascend from modest circumstances to success.”

3. Work and trade are respectable in America. Not true elsewhere. Most cultures despise merchants and laborers. I like this comment. “America is the only country in the world where we call the waiter, “sir,” as if he were a knight.”

4. Americans are more socially equal than any other people. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet-the richest men in America-are no better than the newest citizen. Jokingly he says, “If Bill Gates said, “Here’s a $100.00 if you kiss my feet. Most Americans would tell him where to go.”

5. People live longer and have fuller lives in America. In 1900, life expectancy in the U.S. was between 45 and 50 years. Today it is between 78 and 80 because of the advances in medicine and agriculture. In most other countries, the elderly are just waiting to die. But here, the elderly, mostly, are vigorous and active.

6. He describes what his life in India would be. Basically, his destiny would have been determined for him by others. In America, we can write our own script for the life we want to have. What a difference.

7. America is number one in establishing equality of rights. In spite of elements of racism, the USA is far above the rest of the world in enacting policies that give legal rights to minorities.

8. Religious and ethnic conflicts continue to divide and terrorize much of the world. The American answer is twofold. a) No religion is given official preference. All are free to practice their faith as they wish. b) These rights are not given to groups, but only to individuals. Because of this, all are equal in the eyes of the law. D’Souza has a most unique opinion, in that he says, “America is the only country in the world that extends full membership to outsiders.” Meaning, if I went to China, I would never be Chinese. In contrast, millions have migrated to America from other countries and over time they have or can become Americans.

9. He contends that in spite of very few exceptions-the Japanese internment in World War II and the U.S. support of a few dictators in Central and South America; “The U.S. has the kindest, gentlest foreign policy of any great power in world history.” He believes that twice in the 20th century the United States saved this world from the Nazi threat and second, from the Russian totalitarianism. The world would be in a great mess if the U.S. had not intervened.

The U.S. provided great relief to Germany, Japan and to scores of countries that have faced disease and starvation because of nation tragedies.

10. In my opinion, this 10th reason is significantly the best one he offers. In some ways, it encompasses the previous nine. His first sentence states, “America is the freest nation on Earth.

This may sound arrogant and a presumption in the light of the vulgarisms, vice and immorality that we see on TV. The greatest threat to our greatness today is obviously ISIS and the extremists of Islam. I compare it to the extreme Christians in America like the Klu Klux Klan.

They contend they are morally superior because they foster virtue among their followers. They argue that virtue is a higher principle than liberty.

In a free society, freedom can be a problem. Why? Because it allows for a good or evil America, he says, “Our country is far from perfect. Despite its flaws, ultimately America is worthy of our love and sacrifice, because more than any other society, the U.S. A. makes possible the good life and the life that is good for everyone.”

In my opinion, it is time for all of us to express more patriotism for our country. It is truly a great country.

Amen. Selah. So be it.


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