March 4, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Rialto’s Community Services Department hosting four new programs this summer and invites residents to apply for its scholarship program

2 min read

Movies in the Park activities begin at 7 PM, while the actual film screening starts at 8 PM.

The City of Rialto Community Services Department has been busy all summer 2022 coordinating and hosting free programs, such as Movies in the Park, Mobile Recreation Program, Teen Center, and Legions Basketball Academy. 

One of the City’s most well-attended programs is its Movies in the park, where Rialto residents can enjoy a movie under the stars, sometimes with free popcorn.

“We have two more dates left of our Movies in the Park program. We’ll be screening the family-friendly animation film Luca, on Friday, July 22nd at Rialto City Park and Cruella on July 29th at Bud Bender Park; both begin at 7 PM. It’s a great experience for the entire family with food vendors, craft vendors, karaoke, and an opportunity to connect with neighbors in the City,” said Rialto Community Service Department Administrative Assistant Sheree Lewis.

A free themed activity is available to children at each event, like this alligator bounce house on July 15th at the screening of Jungle Cruise.

According to Lewis, each movie night attracts anywhere from 150 to 200 Rialto residents.

“We usually have a big turn out at Movies in the Park, and the Rialto Police Department is always on-site to elevate public safety. Seating is in the grass, so I recommend attendees bring a blanket or lawn chairs,” continued Lewis. 

Aside from the City’s summer movie experience, other free programs include its Mobile Recreation Program, Teen Center, and Legions Basketball Academy. 

“The City’s Mobile Recreation Program is for ages kindergarten through sixth grade at Joe Sampson Park, every Tuesday, from 3 PM to 6 PM. The program assists children with homework, sports activities, and water games in the summer. Children need to be registered to attend after benign enrolled parents drop off their child; it’s as easy as that,” Lewis said. 

The City’s Teen Center (ages 11-17) is held Tuesday – Friday, 3 PM to 6 PM, at the Rialto Community Center; once registered, students come and go at their own will. This program focuses on free homework assistance, leadership activities, enrichment workshops, social activities, and fitness. 

“We have a Legions Basketball Academy for ages eight to 11 and 12 to 14 at our indoor basketball court, which will be hosted by professional basketball players Chloe Wells and Sandra Emerics. It’ll cover basketball skills and stem training,” Lewis said. 

She also reminded residents about the department’s ongoing scholarship program for children ages two to 17, which will cover 100 percent of fees for paid classes. 

For more information, visit or call (909) 421-4949.


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