San Bernardino City Councilwoman Sandra Ibarra calls on Burrtec to properly clean city streets
2 min read
Photo courtesy City of San Bernardino: Councilwoman Sandra Ibarra is standing up for residents across the city that are displeased with Burrtec for not properly sweeping away debris and trash off streets in San Bernardino.
It’s no secret that many of the City of San Bernardino’s streets are covered in filth and trash, but nothing seems to get accomplished.
On December 8th, Councilwoman Sandra Ibarra, who was just re-elected to the second ward, issued a Facebook post urging constituents who do not approve of Burrtec’s rate increase to be on the lookout for information on how to protest.
“Last night’s council meeting was long and rough. The proposed rate increases for Burrtec will be sent to customers; I could not, in good faith, approve the increases. Councilwoman Kim Calvin and I voted against them,” said Ibarra.
During the meeting, city staff recommended three options – no further renewal of their contract, renewal for five years, or renewal for ten years.
“I know we can do better. I want my constituents to know that I listen to your concerns and voice them privately and publicly with staff and our contractors/consultants. Please stay engaged and email or call your local representative,” continued Ibarra.
On December 10th, Ibarra stated that Burrtec agreed to meet with her and her constituents.
The streets in question, filled with trash and debris, include streets like San Gabriel, Niles, Fremontia and more.
Ibarra told IECN, “I want Burrtec to clean our city as they promised and stop raising their rates yearly with subpar service. So many streets don’t get swept properly. One area I saw has been without street sweeping for a month now. I’ve already asked them for discounted pricing, which they offer to other cities.”
For questions or concerns regarding street sweeping, contact Ibarra at or call (909) 284-5188.
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