March 3, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

San Bernardino Councilman Contradicts Police Misconduct Statements: SBPOA Op-Ed

2 min read
"We stand against any founded cases of police misconduct," states San Bernardino Police Officers Association Vice President and PAC Chairman Jose Loera, "but we ask that our members are given the same fair legal process that the residents we serve expect and deserve," he continues. "The last thing we need as a City and community is to be divided and work against each other, as Councilmember Reynoso continues to perpetuate. We must collaborate on solutions and communicate, not create additional risk and liability."

The SBPOA focuses on matters pertaining to the structure and working conditions of the SBPD.

City of San Bernardino Councilman Ben Reynoso continues to speak out publicly against the police department; meanwhile, his actions contradict his sentiments and open the City up to further civil liability. 

In a recent news article, the 5th Ward Council Member stated, “We’re tired of having to use taxpayer money for police misconduct. It feels like we’re just bleeding dry.”

This comes as no surprise, seeing that Reynoso has a history of not supporting the police department, doesn’t prioritize public safety for community members, and did not garner any support from public safety organizations during his campaign.

What comes across as questionable is that while he is quick to make statements against the police department, regardless of knowing the facts or allowing the investigation to take place, he has also been part of approving the very settlements he is complaining about and has done nothing to address the alleged misconduct and poor police-community relations he speaks of. Further, his public statements on social media and via news outlets put the City at risk of civil litigation, which could ultimately cost the City even more money.

Another notable fact that Reynoso is aware of, but others may not understand, is that a settlement agreement doesn’t automatically equate to guilt, wrongdoing, or misconduct by the defendants. The District Attorney and Internal Affairs investigations determine that.

“We stand against any founded cases of police misconduct,” states San Bernardino Police Officers Association Vice President and PAC Chairman Jose Loera, “but we ask that our members are given the same fair legal process that the residents we serve expect and deserve,” he continues. “The last thing we need as a City and community is to be divided and work against each other, as Councilmember Reynoso continues to perpetuate. We must collaborate on solutions and communicate, not create additional risk and liability.”  

These are not the views of IECN


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