March 29, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Bloomington’s new Ayala Park now open to the community

2 min read

County Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. taking a quick second to snap a photo with children from Bloomington, Rialto, and Colton during the Fury’s soccer clinic on August 6th.

Gomez Reyes cut the ribbon on Bloomington’s second park, Ayala Park. 

Its located at 17909 Marygold Ave., adjacent to Interstate 10. 

“The park is open to the community from 6 AM to 10 PM and features a community center, tiny tots flex room, a snack bar, and a kitchen. There’s also a great room, which can be rented out. It accommodates up to 238 people and has built-in speakers throughout,” said County of San Bernardino Deputy PIO Felisa Cardona.

Although the 7-acre community park is new, the name “Ayala Park” is not; it was relocated and rebuilt. 

“The park was previously located at 18313 Valley Boulevard, built in conjunction with the Bloomington Grove and Lilian Court affordable housing developments and the new Bloomington Branch Library,” continued Cardona. 

County of San Bernardino Library with its mobile truck was on-site, giving children a moment to check out books at the event.

Back at the ribbon cutting, remarks from Baca and Reyes were shared, along with a dedication to the relocated veterans memorial that was moved from the park’s previous location. 

While taking a tour of its new playground, it’s evident that the park is family-friendly and features amenities for adults as well. 

From barbeque grills to exercise equipment, basketball courts, a zip line, and a dog park – the New Ayala Park is a dream for Bloomington and is a significant upgrade from its previous location. 

“Given the pandemic, we needed more open spaces (especially in Bloomington) to go where we can get exercise and fresh air and interact with people. Parks are places to gather and stay in touch, stay healthy, take in nature; parks are essential for communities to thrive,” Cardona.

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