Colton City Council recognizes CAMA 9th Annual Museum Day
2 min read
Photo L to R – Frank Acosta, Board Member; Jimmy Villegas, Board Member; Ms. Christina Perris, Vice-President; and Dr. G, Council Member and CAMA Life Member.
At the May 3 Council meeting, the Colton City Council recognized by proclamation the Colton Area Museum Day 9th Annual Celebration, which was formally set for May 7, 2022. The proclamation was presented to three members of the Colton Area Museum Association (CAMA) Board of Directors, by Council Member, Dr. G, who is a CAMA Life Member. The CAMA Board Members in attendance were Christina Perris, Vice-President, Frank Acosta, and Jimmy Villegas.
Since 1991, the Colton Area Museum has served as a community anchor for maintaining and preserving Colton’s rich history and cultural traditions. From buildings to sports stars, public safety to Colton High School, the CAMA Museum has established a wonderful legacy of displays and historical information that spurs the curiosity of just about everyone. Board Member Frank Acosta explains, “The Colton Area Museum is a cultural treasure that we must preserve for Colton’s current and future residents and visitors. The history of Colton is the history of its people-our collective history.”
Over the last two years, the museum has been shuttered due to the pandemic and related sheltering requirements. However, at the same time, the CAMA and the City of Colton has been the recipient of a state-sponsored grant that allowed the Museum to upgrade its facilities, redesign its displays, and give the place, “a new coat of paint.” According to Museum and City officials, the target date for reopening the Museum is scheduled for December.
Built in 1908, the Colton Area Museum building was the brainchild of the Colton Women’s Club, who supported a charitable trust established by steel magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, who through his efforts enabled many communities across America to build public libraries. The formal name is the Carnegie Library Building. It served as a library for many decades, and is listed on the National Registry of Historical Places.
The CAMA Board appreciates the support of the Colton City Council who has once again recognized the museum programs with a proclamation honoring CAM Museum Day. “I’m proud that the City of Colton has taken the time to recognize the museum, and honor the achievements of the Museum Association, and its volunteers,” says Vice-President Christina Perris. For more information about the museum and it programs, contact the Museum at 909-824-8814, or Christina Perris at 909-648-5768.
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