Colton High School’s Last Pep Rally of the Year Surprises Students with Scholarships and Promposal
2 min read
Seniors cheered and carried students over their heads as they celebrated their final Pep Rally on the court at the Hubbs Gym.
By Daphne Marquez, Pepper Bough Editor
Tons of unexpected surprises rocked the Hubbs Gym at the last Pep Rally of the year on Apr. 5.
The theme of the rally was centered around Kanye West with flashing lights and glow in the dark accessories handed out to students. And as love was in the air, the 2023-2024 Prom Court was celebrated. The court included 10 seniors: Anna Bailey, Patrick Angulo, Lillie Jimenez, Carlos Alberto, Aiden Smith, Natalie Diaz, Uriel Morales, Melanie Bravo, Yolanda Leos and Kassandra Alonzo.
When asked about how she felt about being a part of prom court at the rally, Queen nominee Natalie Diaz said, “I’ve never ran for anything, especially like Prom or Homecoming.” She continued, “I lost so many good opportunities that could have either helped me or had been fun experiences. So I have to put myself in an uncomfortable position until I become comfortable to overcome my fears little by little.”
At the first rally, Principal John Abbott made a special announcement that senior Shantel Marentesreceived a $50,000 STEM scholarship for her hard work at Colton High. Marentes was joined by her family at center court to receive the giant check. She plans on attending Cal Berkeley in the fall.
At the second rally, a promposal occurred where Senior Roman Torrero had his fellow baseball teammates each give Senior Denise Lupian a rose as she walked up to meet Torrero to accept his promposal.
The rallies also included: an Usher-inspired performance by the dance team, the first performance by the newly created hip-hop team, NJROTC performance, class yells, the alma mater, and Natalie Diaz’s performance of the Star-Spangled Banner.
Rochambeau spirit week also ended at the Rallies. Earlier in the week, ASB distributed beaded necklaces to students, who were advised in an email and on social media to play “Rock Paper Scissors” to win as many additional necklaces before Friday’s rally. At the rally, the final winners were settled with a best-of-three match of “Rock Paper Scissors.” Winners received $20 Dunkin Donuts gift cards.
The spring sports teams that were featured in the rallies were: track and field, men’s tennis, baseball, and swim.
As the rallies came to a close, the Seniors ran from the bleachers and crowded together for the final time as they chanted “2024” and celebrated their last rally at Colton High.
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