March 17, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

G-Team celebrates 3-year anniversary

2 min read

Photo courtesy Dr. G: 5+ attendees of the G-Team Three-Year Anniversary event on Thursday, August 25 at Pizzadilly Restaurant.

Last week, August 25, friends and family gathered to celebrate the third anniversary of the G-Team, one of Colton’s active volunteer groups.

Over 45 people joined with Dr. G to recognize the efforts of this community outreach and enjoyed great pizza, cool beverage drinks, and cake. The event was held at Pizzadilly Restaurant @ 194 East Valley Blvd, and owner Raymond Dorado, was a gracious host, along with his staff, Gloria (sister) and Denise (niece).

This was a great way to celebrate the third anniversary of the G-Team, which started in 2019, just after Dr. G retired from teaching. The goal was to engage in community outreach with a hands-on approach. For the last three years, dozens of individuals and groups within the community have joined in with Dr. G from time to time, to work on projects, such as the trash clean-up project, the bougainvillea planting project, and the picnic table painting project. All three of these projects continue to be ongoing, with plans currently being made for providing support for our beloved senior citizens.

Working under the banner of CITY TALK, a community impact force, these efforts have actually started eight years ago, but have evolved into a “recognized” community group of volunteers known as the “G-Team.” The event last Thursday night was dedicated to celebrating these efforts and to recognize the individuals who are the foundational members of the G-Team; Nellie Cortez, Sharon Hughbanks, Darby Osnaya, Pat Martinez, Christina Perris, Rosanne Reyes, Norma Gallardo, and of course, Dr. G, founder of CITY TALK and a well-known community advocate.

“So far, the responses to the G-Team have been positive, and the results have been excellent,” says Rosanne Reyes, a foundational member who elaborated, “This group works hard to help improve the community.” The first ever G-Team member, Nellie Cortez, who is 83, added, “I really enjoy helping to clean-up the community.” Nellie was also the first recipient of the CITY TALK “Community Impact Award” for her long-time devotion to the trash clean-up project and involvement in the community.

All in all, this was a great event which focused on celebrating the efforts of hard-working community volunteers, who not only devote their time, but work to make our city a better place. Congratulations to the G-Team for their successful community outreach and their Three-Year Anniversary.

For more information about CITY TALK, various community groups, Colton history, the trash clean-up project, the G-Team, prayer list, history briefs, Veteran spotlight, Church Spotlight, Business spotlight, U.S. Flag Watch, neighborhood meetings, community projects and events, or the online live-stream programs, contact Dr. G @ 909-213-3730. Questions and comments are always welcome.


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