March 10, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Rialto City Council approves alcohol-free fuel station at former El Kiosco Restaurant location

2 min read

Photo Manny B. Sandoval: The forthcoming fuel pump station will be located at the southwest corner of Riverside Avenue and Randall Avenue.

On July 23, in a 5-0 vote, Rialto City Council approved a fuel station at the southwest corner of Riverside Avenue and Randall Avenue.

At the meeting, it was discovered that the forthcoming 10-pump fuel station would not be selling alcohol.

“In terms of operations the fuel station will be a 24/7 operation; along with the convenience market. The car wash hours will be from 7 AM to 10 PM. One of the more important facts is that there will be no alcohol served at this location,” said Robb Steel, Assistant City Administrator / Director of Development Services.

According to the council agenda, Beyond International, LLC, the applicant, proposes to construct a vehicle fuel station consisting of a 5,460-square-foot canopy, a 7,250-square-foot convenience market with drive-thru service for merchandise pick-up, a 1,750-square-foot automated car wash, and a 1,800-square-foot restaurant building with drive-thru service on the project site.

“This project has been through an extensive review process, it began at the development review committee, where it received preliminary conditions of approval and comments; the applicant made all corrections as part of the final submittal. All of the staff comments, including police department, fire department, as well as all the other inline departments have provided input regarding the conditions,” continued Steel.

Next, the transportation commission will review the fuel station project; they will approve the traffic study and levy fair-shared fees of $320,000 to widen Riverside Avenue.

One element that struck interest in the council is the possibility of a future fast food tenant on the lot.

“I’m glad staff has pushed to make this building aesthetically pleasing, which is important for the look of our city. Is there a potential drive-thru fast food tenant that has been identified for the location?” asked Councilmember Joe Baca Jr.

“Well here in the report there are some notes for possible drive-thru tenants, which indicate that it could be Fat Burger restaurant,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson.

All councilmembers were in favor of the project and what it will bring to the up and coming city. 

“This is a bittersweet project for me because it takes down an old barn and the old El Kiosco restaurant. I hate to see these go down, but progress has to move forward. Being a south Rialto resident, I think this is a good project for the city and the neighborhood. It will bring services to the area that will compete with services that are not very great,” said Mayor Pro Tem Ed Scott.

“I think the project is going to beautify this corner lot; it’s going to provide services to those in the neighborhood. Until you get to the 7/11 on Merrill Avenue, there is no gas station, so I think this will help the area. It will also be great for our fire and police departments who have to respond to so many calls in that current vacant lot. I am in full support of this project,” said Councilmember Andy Carrizales. For more information, visit


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