March 9, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Rialto school district reopens Registration Center

2 min read

courtesy photo/rusd Rialto Unified School District’s Registration Center has reopened. The center offers registration and school enrollment, along with other services for parents.

courtesy photo/rusd
Staff at the District Registration Center are asking parents to have the necessary documents available in order to enroll their child in school. The checklist can be seen on the right.

Registering your child for school at one of Rialto Unified School District’s 29 campuses, just got easier.

District officials reopened RUSD’s Registration Center July 5, a “one-stop-shop” to enrolling students in school, nutrition services and transportation services, said Angela Brantley, the district’s senior director of student services.

“There’s no more bouncing from school to school if you have children in multiple grade levels,” she said. “We’ve made it convenient for families to have one location to access information and submit enrollment forms.”

The center originally opened in 2006, but after budget cuts, the district had to close its doors.

Now that the center is up and running again, Brantley, along with Pilar Ayala, registration center supervisor, feel that there will be a better streamline of communication between parents and district staff.

“There will no longer be mixups about which school is your child’s home school. We’ll take care of all of that and be able to provide specific information about boundaries,” Ayala said. It’s all about providing convenience for families.”

In addition to registration, the center will also offer enrollment and support service information for English language learners and students with special needs. The site is also equipped with five computers for parents to complete nutrition service and transportation applications.

Parents will also be provided with information on how to enroll in “Parent View” a program that will allow access to student information such as attendance and grades.

Registration information for the 2017-2018 school year is now available and parents can pick up packets at the center. Registration should be completed by Aug. 3 to assure home school enrollment. Classes begin Aug. 7.

The District Registration Center is at 260 S. Willow Avenue and is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call the center at 909-874-4300.


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