March 10, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

San Bernardino City Council increases maximum permitted service rate for integrated solid waste collection

2 min read

Photo Manny Sandoval: Beginning July 1st, 2019, a Burrtec service rate increase of 3.8 percent will be effective in the City of San Bernardino.

In a 6-1 vote, with Councilmember Sandra Ibarra voting against the motion, San Bernardino City Council approved an increase in the maximum permitted service rate for integrated solid waste collection, processing and disposal services.

“The franchise agreement with Burrtec Industries allows for a maximum rate increase of 5 percent, for consumer price index (CPI) adjustment only, annually for five years, beginning on July 1, 2018 through 2021, for all service accounts,” said Alex Qishta, acting director of Public Works.

According to the city council agenda, the proposed rate under consideration for fiscal year 2019-2020, which was approved, includes a negotiated rate increase of 3.8 percent, CPI adjustment only, effective July 1, 2019, for all service accounts.

“I want to send my deep appreciation to Burrtec. Burrtec is a great community partner. They have been very cooperative with us during this past 10-year agreement. We appreciate all of the trash services, not to mention all of the hauling and free services that they provide our community groups. We’re grateful for their generosity and engagement in our community,” said Mayor John Valdivia.

During discussion Qishta also noted that the last rate increase for the collection of refuse was over 10 years ago, on Novemeber 17, 2008.

“While costs associated with the collection, disposal, recycling and green waste processing materials have gone up in price over the past 10 years, the charges for services has only been adjusted once in the past 10 years to account for increased costs,” continued Qishta.

Councilman James Mulvihill and Mayor Pro-Tem Bessine L. Richard were both pleased with Burrtec’s work in the city over the past 10 years.

“Burrtec has done a much better job at providing us with trash services and street cleaning than the city can provide itself. I think it goes without saying, government can’t provide the same level of quality services that private businesses can. I don’t ever remember our streets getting swept before Burrtec, now they’re getting swept twice a month,” Mulvihill said.

“I also want to thank Burrtec. We need to be responsible for some of the things that we see. If we see something, we need to say something. We see people dumping trash on our street, and many don’t say anything; I know I’ve personally called Burrtec so many times to pick up trash in front of Arroyo Valley High School. They’re cleaning and picking up a ton of trash,” said Richard.

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