VFW Post 6476 Auxiliary honors Purple Heart veterans
2 min read
(L to R); seated are Rudy Contreras, USMC; Ray Gomez, U.S Army; George Leon, U.S. Army; Bernie Moyeda, U.S. Army; standing are Dr. G, Council Member and Veteran-Advocate; Socorro Hernandez, Commander VFW Post 6476, and Nancy Hernandez, President, VFW Post 6476 Auxiliary. Not pictured: Frank Corona, U.S. Army.
On Sunday, August 6, Purple Heart Day was celebrated by Post 6476 Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Dr. G, Council Member and well-known Veteran-Advocate was invited to participate and offered the Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, and a brief history of the Purple Heart Medal.
In attendance for the event were four members of the Post; Rudy Contreras, Ray Gomez, George Leon, and Bernie Moyeda. One more member, Frank Corona was also recognized, but was unable to attend due to his injuries.
The 11:00am event was hosted at the Post, located at 1789 N 8th Street, by Commander Socorro Hernandez. He welcomed the 35 attendees and introduced the honorees. Nancy Hernandez, President of the VFW Post 6476, coordinated the event, along with the assistance of Dr.G, who was able to make personal contact with each of the honored Veterans inviting them to this event.
All four Purple Heart Veterans were presented with a certificate from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6476 and the VFW Auxiliary. Everyone in attendance was also invited to join in for a delicious pancake breakfast, provided by the Auxiliary.
When making his presentation, Dr G noted that August 7 is officially recognized as National Purple Heart Day, a day when the nation pauses to acknowledge and remember the sacrifices made by the brave members of our military. The Purple Heart Medal is presented to service members who have been wounded or killed as a result of enemy action while serving in the U.S. Military.
In addition, The Purple Heart Medal is awarded for sacrifice, and is recognized by military veterans as the national symbol of sacrifice, and commemorates the creation of the Purple Heart Medal in 1782 by Gen George Washington. Originally known as the “Badge of Military Merit,” it was initially awarded to three Revolutionary War soldiers.
The four Purple Heart veterans who were honored are not only military heroes, but they are family. They have distinguished themselves through their service, through their sacrifice, and through their protection of our country and our home. They will forever be remembered as Colton-American Veterans of the Purple Heart.
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