Colton Councilman Demands Transparency, Accountability on Senior Discounts and Utility Rates
4 min read
Councilman John Echevarria addresses Colton residents, calling for transparency and action on senior discounts and utility rate concerns.
Open Letter to Colton District 4 Constituents
By Councilman John Echevarria
When first elected, I promised you my integrity, earnest engagement, and advocacy on your behalf. As I sought your support, I advocated, “City employees should be assertive and inclined to help all our residents, visitors, and business owners. In order to be effective, we must make ourselves approachable and available at any time. Community issues and concerns should be our top priority.” Recently, I’ve received numerous complaints from you regarding two specific matters affecting us.
1. Senior Discount Rate for Disposal Services
On July 16, 2024, Council Members Toro, Chastain, and I (the majority) approved an extension of our Disposal Services Contractor’s (CR&R) contract over the strenuous objections of opposing members. Among other demands, we insisted on the inclusion of reduced senior rates and a Community Services Officer (CSO) position to supplement disposal-related resident/contractor complaints and issues. CR&R, without hesitation, readily agreed to both.
Those who opposed the measure then contacted the press and viciously attacked me and my family—just for fighting for seniors. While I was visibly upset, in the end, I shielded my family and concluded that my advocacy for Colton’s seniors was worth the stress of those unjustified and baseless character assaults.
Despite this, the Council (majority) directed the City Manager to form those directives into a contract and implement them immediately. I assumed he had done so. However, after hearing from many of you, I learned that nothing has been done, and you are getting an endless runaround when making inquiries. So, I personally engaged in the same process I have been directing you to follow. Sadly, I got the same result. For that, I apologize.
I contacted City Staff to inquire and was told CR&R was responsible for delaying the contract’s execution and implementation. I was then encouraged to contact them directly. When I contacted CR&R, I was directed back to the City and told that the City was stalling. In short, I found myself in a perpetual, nonsensical, and endless runaround.
Many of you have asked about the power of the City Manager. The City Manager has wide, largely unfettered latitude in making day-to-day operational decisions, but rest assured, his authority comes directly from—and he answers to—the City Council. He must, by ordinance, enforce the decisions and directives of the City Council. He does not have the authority to ignore Council directives simply because he disagrees. Ultimately, it’s our decision, not his.
On our City website, the City Manager describes the obligations of the office as:
“The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to implement and maintain the City Council’s goals and objectives, policies, and priorities.”
Additionally, City Ordinance 2.16.020 specifically states:
“The City Manager holds office at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed by majority vote at any time and in any manner.”
In the days ahead, with your support, I will be openly demanding truthful answers. If the City Manager chooses to ignore or refuse to implement absolute directives ordered by the Council (majority), then this Council may need to consider other alternatives and/or directions.
2. Immediate Sunset of Electric Tax Rate – Temporary Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Adopted April 2023
Once again, many of you are complaining about utility rate add-ons, which may result in additional charges of up to one-third of your bill. Likewise, the insistence on reduced rates for seniors is under attack. Businesses are also continually being burdened with rate add-ons that have nothing to do with the purchase, delivery, or consumption of electricity.
At our February 24, 2025, Special Council Meeting, I attempted—unsuccessfully—to immediately terminate this rate add-on, which is scheduled to continue through October 2025 (at this point). My efforts failed as they received no support from the Council.
Regarding the concerns I openly raised, I found City Staff unprepared, non-transparent, and constantly equivocating in their responses. After my frustration reached its peak, staff abruptly switched positions and stated, “The PCA (Power Cost Adjustment) is not within Council purview.” Then, the City Manager incorrectly stated, “If the Council were to direct me to do that, then I have to decide whether I can do that.”
Let me be clear: If the Council directs the City Manager to do something, he does not have the option to ignore our directives. If the Council has no voice, then why call a Special Council Meeting seeking Council’s approval? Quite honestly, I left that meeting even more confused than when I arrived.
It seems to me that the Mayor and Council once again chose to maintain these burdensome rates on our residents and business owners to allegedly pay “experts” to conduct what I consider an unnecessary study of those rates.
I cannot and will not support this. I choose to give economic support to our residents, lower the rates for our seniors, and help our struggling businesses. This is not the way to address other city budget shortfalls. I will not willingly participate in bait-and-switch politics. I expect competent preparation, presentation, candor, and complete transparency from all Colton City Staff.
If we need to pay a little extra for necessary services, let’s be honest with the residents and tell them the truth. Charging extra for the delivery of services and then secretly using that money to pay for a study is simply dishonest.
Personally, I want more police officers. One officer per 1,000 residents is not sufficient. I will gladly pay a little more for that. However, when I do, I expect that money to go directly to funding officers. I will not support funds being raised and then secretly reallocated behind closed doors for unnecessary studies or to supplement executive salaries.
Colton residents and businesses are willing to pay their fair share, but we expect genuine integrity, honesty, and transparency from our City leaders and staff.
*These are not the views of Inland Empire Community News
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