March 9, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Assemblyman Ramos presents City of San Bernardino $3 million to update general plan

2 min read

Photo Maryjoy Duncan: Assemblymember James C. Ramos, middle, secured funding in the amount of $3 million for the comprehensive update to the City of San Bernardino’s general plan, which was last conducted in 2005. Pictured are San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, left, and 3rd Ward Councilman Juan Figueroa during the commemorative check presentation on Tuesday, Aug. 6 at the Feldheym Central Library.

The City of San Bernardino will have a blueprint for economic development in the form of a comprehensive update to the city’s general plan through $3 million in funding secured by Assemblymember James C. Ramos in the 2019-2020 California state budget. The city last conducted its general plan in 2005.

“An update to the general plan is needed, and why that is vital for the community, the city and region is because the general plan will give you a blueprint to show where development can take place in the City of San Bernardino,” said Ramos on Tuesday during the commemorative check presentation at the Feldheym Central Library. “(The plan) will also serve as a blueprint for the stability and climate for the city of San Bernardino to be able to engage developers, engage synergy and engage economic development.”

The general plan will serve as a cohesive document and planning guideline that reflects the cultivated vision of what residents and city leaders want for San Bernardino, and to direct short-term long-term resources towards affordable housing, open space and economic development.

Mayor John Valdivia expressed his gratitude to Ramos for advocating on behalf of the City of San Bernardino in the state assembly, and for the positive opportunities made possible.

“This plan is certainly critical for the well being of our community, it establishes those pulse points very important for our community and business development opportunities, as well as the restructuring and the reorganization of our downtown corridor,” Valdivia noted. “This plan is critical in establishing the long range development policies that will support the financial health and integrity and provide stability points for our community.” Also in attendance were Councilmen Juan Figueroa (Ward 3) and Henry Nickel (Ward 5), as well as City Manager Teri Ledoux and Director of Community Development Michael Huntley.


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