Carl Sandburg was one of the greatest historians, ever. His series on the life of Abraham Lincoln are classic. He...
G. W. Abersold Ph.D.
Bill Abersold, familiarly known as Doc, is an 87-year-old retired minister who holds a doctorate in Religion from the Southern California School of Theology at Claremont College Graduate School. The Ph.D. is in Psychology. He has been on 130 cruises, many as a destination lecturer, and visited 84 countries.
Patriotism is an attitude that every citizen of our country is expected to possess. And to express. Years ago, when...
I have been an ordained minister for sixty-eight (68) years of my ninety (90) years. In that time, I served...
The history of America (USA) is filled with contradictions, unexpected happenings, apparent divine leadings, old fashioned luck and amazing leadership....