The city of San Bernardino, once named an “All-America City” in the late 70’s, enjoyed a vibrant and thriving economy...
Maryjoy Duncan
Maryjoy Duncan is the former Managing Editor (2017 - 2022) of Inland Empire Community News (comprised of the El Chicano, Colton Courier and Rialto Record).
She was chosen as one of 25 recipients from over 1,000 school districts in the State of California to receive the California School Boards Association’s 2018 Golden Quill Award, presented in recognition of fair, insightful, and accurate reporting on public school news.
Photos courtesy SBCUSD: The San Bernardino City Unified School District held its 5th annual Community Gathering for Excellence on Wednesday,...
Photo/MJ DuncanNearly 500 people attended the resource fair on Saturday that provided information on free and low-cost services. The Salvation...
Photo/MJ DuncanAshley Ramirez, 11, demonstrates how light and easy the plastic mats can be transported. “People who are homeless don’t...