February 8, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

CityTalk Recognizes Flantastic, Inc. for Ten Years of Successful Business

2 min read

(L to R): Araceli Gonzalez, Tomas Bedolla, production leader; Dr.G Council Member and Community Advocate; Luis Robles, General Manager, Norma Gomez. Photo by: Karin Lopez

Ten years ago, the Pablo and Robles families made the challenging decision to move their humble business of selling desserts to Colton, where the business climate was steady, and the opportunity to invest in an excellent corner location in the downtown area made good economic sense.

Formerly a Mexican bakery shop, the site at the corner of East H Street and Ninth Street was a dream come true. Word on the street spread quickly as employees from nearby business establishments started to go to Flantastic, Inc. to try the “estilo casero” (homemade) desserts that were fast becoming a popular fare for coffee breaks. Soon, residents from the neighborhood became frequent customers as well, and with this growing customer base, the request for an expanded menu started to catch on.

Although it was short-lived, Manager Luis Robles experimented with homemade breakfast platters. In addition, a few traditional lunch snacks were offered, but the idea of small restaurant offerings became time-consuming and expensive. Consequently, this breakfast experiment pulled valuable time and energy away from the principal product of this operation – traditional homemade desserts: pan de elote (corn bread), cheesecake, arroz de leche (rice pudding), flan (custard), and gelatines.

Once Flantastic, Inc. established that the path forward was their specialty homemade desserts, this small family-oriented business not only had become a Colton mainstay, but their products had become in high demand. Flantastic, Inc.

Has become the primary supplier of quality “estillo casero” desserts for several restaurants in Colton and the surrounding region. Today, these prized desserts are delivered to over 250 clients, including restaurants in Colton, Riverside, throughout San Bernardino County, and recently to Los Angeles, where two trucks travel to make weekly deliveries.

“Colton has been a great place for us,” exclaimed Luis Robles, who continued, “The community has been welcoming, and the location works very well.” His staff of five employees is always busy preparing, baking, and packaging the orders refrigerated the night before. At 6 a.m., the deliveries go out, and soon after, the product supplies of ingredients begin to arrive so that the entire process can start again. “Everything is fresh, and we have a great process…we all work well together,” says Tomas Bedolla, production leaser. With this enthusiastic crew and a quality product, it’s no wonder Flantastic, Inc. has become quite popular and successful.

The City of Colton is fortunate to have this thriving business offering unique dessert items to the menus of local restaurants and beyond. We congratulate Flantastic, Inc. on their ten years of successful business in Colton.

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