March 4, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Everyone Counts in the 2020 Census

2 min read

By California Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino)

As COVID-19 continues to impact residents across California and the Inland Empire, residents in our region are working hard to stay safe and provide for their families as this pandemic evolves.  

While we do not yet know how soon California will be able to emerge safely from this crisis, it is important that we take steps now to make sure that every single person in our region and state are counted so that we get all of the resources we deserve for services such as public health, children’s programs, emergency services, health clinics, road construction and schools.  For every Californian that is not counted in the 2020 Census, our state will lose nearly $1,000 per year for the next ten years. If that was not enough, California’s congressional representation is also based on the 2020 Census.

California has more hard-to-count communities—like persons of color, renters, immigrants and non-English speakers—than other states, so it is imperative that every single resident of our state is counted in the 2020 Census.  Any information you provide is kept private and everyone in your household should be counted, regardless of immigration status, if they are living with you temporarily, or their age—babies count too!

Though you may have heard recently that the President wants to prevent the Census from counting undocumented immigrants, it is crucial that every person is counted.  The U.S. Constitution is clear on this issue, so we must make sure that the President’s reprehensible attempt to again instill fear in our immigrant communities—as he wrongly did previously by trying to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census—does not stop Californians from being counted.

Since the 2020 Census will determine funding and representation for the next decade, it is critical that you do not miss the opportunity to help your community.  If you have not completed a paper version of the 2020 Census, you can complete it right now by visiting or by calling 844-330-2020—and it is available in 15 languages.  If you do not complete the 2020 Census in the near future, Census enumerators will knock on your door to interview your household in person.  Yes, it’s that important!

California’s self-response currently stands at just over 63 percent, but we’re working to get it to 100 percent.  So participate today and be counted!


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