March 28, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Genesis Rodela Uriarte Appointed Colton Youth Commissioner

2 min read

Photo L to R: Dr.G, Council Member, and Genesis Rodela Uriarte, Youth Commissioner.

At the recent Recreation and Parks Commission meeting May 15, Council Member Dr.G (Dr. Luis S González) officially presented Genesis Rodela Uriarte, as the new Youth Commissioner effective through June 30, 2025.

This unique appointment is indeed an honor, as the Youth Commissioner is required to attend all of the Recreation and Parks Commission meetings, in addition to other requirements of the program. In this position, she’ll be able to present information, ask questions and deliberate, but will not be a voting member. This appointment, experience, and training is an exceptional opportunity for any young person, such as Genesis, who has the drive and determination to broaden her educational experience.

Over the past several months this position on the commission has been evaluated and put through the logistical and legal process to clear the way for this appointment. On May 7, the City Council received the nomination for Genesis by Council Member Dr.G. The Council considered this appointment, and unanimously approved Genesis as the next Youth Commissioner on the Recreation and Parks Commission.

Genesis attends Colton High School, takes a full schedule of A.P. classes, and plays in the band. She is currently in 11th grade, which works well as she will be able to serve on the commission he entire senior year. In addition to her CHS activities, Genesis served as Teen Ms. Colton, participated in the Rotary speech contest, was presented in 2023 with a HOBY award by the Colton Woman’s Club, and has attended several CITY TALK w/DrG neighborhood meetings.

Looking forward, Genesis plans to attend college after graduation, and major in microbiology. Right now she is starting to apply to several colleges and should have no trouble being accepted to the college of her choice. She is positive, reliable, has good communication skills, has good parent support and the support of Dr.G, and is very interested in serving as a Youth Commissioner.

When asked about her desire to serve, Genesis responded, “I’m interested in serving as a Youth Commissioner to learn more about our community, and do my part.” If someone were to count the hours she has already spent in her school and community activities, there would be no doubt she has the right mind-set and commitment to fulfill this responsibility. With her energy, determination and communication skills, she’ll be an excellent Youth Commissioner. Congratulations to Genesis Rodela Uriarte on her appointment to the Recreation and Parks Commission.

For more information about CITY TALK, various community groups, Colton history, the trash clean-up, the G-Team, prayer list, history briefs, Veteran Spotlight, community projects and events, neighborhood meetings, or the online live-Church spotlight, Business spotlight, U.S. Flag watch, neighborhood meetings, community projects and events, or the online live-stream programs, contact Dr.G @ 909-213-3730.  Questions and comments are always welcome.


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