January 25, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

By Dr. Margaret Hill

This submission is being made because the confirmation of my public comment was not read at the  April 6, 2021, Board of Supervisors’ Meeting.  I was informed that there were too many comments to read although they allowed three citizens to approach the microphone three times each for a total of 27 minutes.    The comments below are the ones I submitted:

Greetings to the Board and all County Citizens:  I made a comment in February regarding the resolution you signed supporting Racism is a Public Health Issue.  I applauded you then and I still do but the action does not support your decision.  I asked all five supervisors to send me a diversity list of their staff and as of today, I still have not heard from two of you. 

The Black taxpayers are not complaining about the past as this is nothing new to us; however, we are extending an arm to help fix racism in this County but you have to agree to meet with us.  Yes, I know you have a Task Force but for those of us who are elected officials, we know that is a stall tactic, in many cases, to buy time to do nothing.

These are difficult times for all of us and while we cannot tackle every concern, we will continue to expect our Supervisors to represent all citizens and certainly all taxpayers.  I hope you have not forgotten that our taxes help pay your salary. 

With yesterday’s deadline for redistricting, I hope you find in your heart the need to have at least one Black person to serve on the committee.  Yes, several applied and they are very competent.  The request is to be a part of your inclusion plan.  If there is no place at the table for all taxpayers, especially Blacks, then you should let us know.  Ignoring us, as you have in the past, will not be fruitful.

It was Dr. King who said, “How Long, Not Long” and it’s Margaret Hill who is saying “How Long, Too Long.”

*Views expressed in op-eds do not necessarily reflect the views of IECN.


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