March 10, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Our Air Quality is a Public Health Issue

1 min read

Freight terminals and power plants in China

It should be no mystery that our air quality in San Bernardino itself is well above the recommended level for healthy living for any persons. This is largely because there are large scale warehousing facilities being built that bring in thousands of diesel and natural gas trucks that continually pump out harmful toxins in our communities.

These toxins from diesel exhaust can bypass the defense system and damage pulmonary passages, as well as develop dementia and Alzheimer’s over a long-term exposure rate. It also promotes and develops a high growth of cancer and asthma in those exposed to those toxins. This poses risks to the children and families that live near these warehouses.

The protection of public health should be at the forefront of our community. At present, the South Coast Air Quality Management District will be voting for the Indirect Source Rule to hold these warehouses accountable.

I urge community to attend the SCAQMD board meeting in Diamond Bar on May 4 and hold irresponsible air regulators accountable. Can’t make it? You can still help by calling in at (909) 326-2500 to demand they do the right thing and vote “YES” to initiate a rule-making process directed at emissions from warehouses and their trucks.

Joshua Bell

San Bernardino


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