February 28, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Courtesy photo: Pictured from left: Assemblymember James C. Ramos (D-Highland), Speaker of the California State Assembly Anthony Rendon, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D- San Bernardino), San Bernardino Community College District Trustee Frank Reyes, and SB Valley College President Diana Rodriguez.

On Friday, January 18 Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes held a Community Swearing-In Ceremony and a State of the 47th District event at San Bernardino Valley College. Over 250 community members attended the event, which included local dignitaries, community partners, family and friends.

At the ceremony, Speaker of the California State Assembly Anthony Rendon conducted Reyes’ swearing-in ceremony.

Eloise Gomez Reyes sworn into her second term as California State Assembly Member for the 47th District.

“My journey to Sacramento happened because of all of you.  You elected me in 2016 and you re-elected me in 2018.  You asked me to bring the voice of our communities to the halls of the State Capitol. I have made it my mission to do just that, and to bring resources and opportunities back to our district,” said Reyes.

“California continues to lead the way on critical issues. We are leading the way in protecting our workers, leading the way in advancing clean energy, we are investing in our roads and bridges, we are expanding access to higher education, we are moving forward. In Sacramento I will continue to fight for our community and am counting on your partnership to make our goals a reality,” continued Reyes.

The swearing in ceremony was followed with a presentation, which highlighted Reyes’ accomplishments during her first term and showcased goals she has moving forward into her second term.

During her first term, Reyes successfully introduced four bills that originated from conversations with community members and signed into law by Governor Brown: AB 2568, ACR 230, AB 550, and AB 2015.

The theme for Reyes’ second term is “IE: Inclusion & Equity,” designed to serve as a guide for the assemblymember’s second term in office.

According to an official press release, “Inclusion and Equity” is related to several of Reyes’ top Legislative priorities including childcare and early childhood education.  Reyes shared with the audience her efforts in Sacramento to remind colleagues of the unique challenges faced in the Inland Empire and how those issues impact childcare.  In the Inland Empire, 70 percent of those who utilize subsidized child care work non-traditional schedules; meaning that they have unique childcare needs that will not be served by a one-size-fits all model.

Much of Reyes’ speech at the event was about fighting to move the Inland Empire forward.

“The reality is that no matter what words I give you tonight, this march toward the future is not possible without you. As I enter my second term, I continue to ask the question when presented with an idea; ‘How will this benefit the communities of the 47th Assembly District?’ I hear your collective voices…your challenges…your aspirations and dreams,” Reyes said.

She also reassured the audience that, “We are all in this together.”

“Together we can ensure that our children receive educational opportunities, that our working families can afford a home, that our seniors are safe from undue hardship, that anyone that is struggling will be uplifted to achieve their dreams, but most of all that regardless of your past mistakes or the size of the obstacles you face on your journey, that we are all in this together. My goal is not my success, it is our success,” concluded Reyes.

Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes represents Assembly District 47 which includes the cities of Fontana, Rialto, Colton, Grand Terrace, San Bernardino and the unincorporated areas of Muscoy and Bloomington.


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