March 9, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Free parenting classes being offered to parents in San Bernardino City school district

2 min read

courtesy photo The Infant-Toddler Success organization is offering free parenting classes for parents in the San Bernardino City school district.

A series of free parenting classes are being offered throughout the month in San Bernardino to help parents and caregivers of children ages 0-3 be their child’s “first and best teacher.”

The classes, offered through the Infant-Toddler Success organization, will be taught in English and Spanish to parents of children 0-36 months who live in the San Bernardino City Unified School District.

Dr. Al Karnig, former President of California State University San Bernardino, spearheads the organization and says the early ages of a child’s life, are the critical to lifelong learning.

“The first 36 months of life are the most important time for a baby’s brain development,” he said during the class announcement at Dignity Health – St. Bernardine Medical Center.

“If you measure the IQs of 36-month-olds in a variety of ways, what you find—irrespective of social class, irrespective of parents’ occupations, parents’ education — is that those children who have had exposure to lots of different words have higher IQs.”

The Infant-Toddler Success program is a free eight-session resource for parents and caregivers interested in learning about topics that can help when raising children under the age of three to be better prepared for school and life.

This program is a project of The Community Foundation, which serves San Bernardino and Riverside counties and is funded in part by the San Bernardino City Unified School District.

Grandparents, expecting parents, and caregivers are welcome to attend. The classes are free and childcare will be provided. To learn more, visit

courtesy photo The Infant-Toddler Success organization is offering free parenting classes for parents in the San Bernardino City school district.
courtesy photo
The Infant-Toddler Success organization is offering free parenting classes for parents in the San Bernardino City school district.

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