January 30, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Sierra Club Monthly Program

1 min read

Photo Brian Elliott: Gary Charlton and Brian Elliott at Magee Marsh.

The next meeting of the San Gorgonio Chapter, Sierra Club will be Tuesday, July 2, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at the San Bernardino County Museum, 2014 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands.  Sierra Club members Brian Elliott and Gary Charlton will present a program titled, “Birding the 2018 Spring Migration from Gulf Coast Texas to Ohio and Michigan”.

The annual spring migration of birds at birding hotspots in Texas, Ohio, and Michigan is possibly the world’s most spectacular birding event.  Thousands of birders from all around the U.S. and the world come to these locales each spring to experience the mass movement of birds on their way north. 

Sierra Club members Brian Elliott and Gary Charlton followed the 2018 spring migration starting in April at the Texas Gulf Coast hotspots of High Island and Sabine Woods.  They followed that up in May with trips to the world famous Magee Marsh of northwest Ohio and the Tawas Peninsula on Lake Huron in Michigan.  Warblers, tanagers, vireos, and orioles were the main attractions but many other species were encountered as well.  Each of the locales they visited had a unique and different birding “flavor”. 

Please join us at our July 2 general meeting where Brian and Gary will share their images from the trips and discuss their experiences birding this great spring migration event. Parking and admission are free but donations are accepted for room rental.

The San Bernardino County Museum is located:  2024 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands, CA  92374.  Exit California Street from I-10 Freeway in Redlands.


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