February 7, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

2016 Inland Empire Thanksgiving meal and resource guide

2 min read

iecn photo/ricardo tomboc Several community organizations will be offering free Thanksgiving meals and holiday baskets to families in need Nov. 19-24.

The holiday season can be a difficult time for families to serve up a warm meal, but several Inland-area organizations are making efforts to provide for those in need this Thanksgiving.

Nonprofits and faith-based groups throughout San Bernardino County are offering free Thanksgiving baskets or a hot Thanksgiving meal — Nov. 19-24 — to those who may have fallen on hard times.

The following is a guide to locations throughout Inland-area communities including Rialto, Redlands, Colton, San Bernardino and Highland, welcoming residents to a community holiday dinner:


Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 20 – 10 a.m. to noon

Vida Life Ministries 11608 Cedar Ave.

Information: 323-823-4762 or 323-351-3724


Community Thanksgiving Dinners – Nov. 24 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Hutton Community Center 660 Colton Ave.

Luque Community Center 292 E. O Street

Family-style sit-down dinner with all the fixings, open to the public, including non residents. To-Go-Dinners for those that are homebound can be picked up between 12-1p.m. while supplies last.

Information: 909-370-5568


Thanksgiving Dinner and Resource Fair — Nov. 23 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Project Boon – Eat and Be Well Cypress Center Community Assistance Program 8380 Cypress Ave.

Information: 909-349-6988


Thanksgiving Dinner – Nov. 23 – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Jerry Lewis Community Center 7793 Central Ave.

No residency is necessary, but registration is required

Information and registration: 909-425-9622


3rd annual Turkey Shoot-Out Nov. 19 — Noon

Redlands Community Center 111 W. Lugonia Ave.

Basketball free throw and three- point competition to compete for a free turkey.

Children ages 4 to 14 years old can compete against others to win a free turkey, provided by Wal-Mart.

Children ages 4 to 6, 7 to 9, and 10 to 12 will compete against others in their respective age divisions to win a free turkey.

Teens from 13 to 14 years old will compete in a two-minute free throw contest.

Free turkey sandwiches and chips will also be provided by Subway.

Registration: www.cityofredlands.org/recreation or at the Redlands Community Center.

Information: 909-798-7572

Thanksgiving Dinner – Nov. 23 5 p.m.

The Blessing Center – Joseph’s Storehouse 760 E. Stuart Ave.

All are welcome. Registration is not required

Information: 909-793-5677

Thanksgiving luncheon Nov. 23 11:15 a.m. to 1 :15 p.m.

Joslyn Senior Center 21 Grant St.

Turkey and all the fixings will be provided by Thomas Catering with live entertainment provided by Dan Damon.

The lunch is free and open to all adults 55 years and older. Pre-registration is required.

Information and registration: 909-798-7550.


Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway and Resource Fair Nov. 19 — 11 a.m. to 3 p.m

Rialto Middle School 1262 W. Rialto Ave.

First 500 families will receive a holiday food bag with a turkey

Information: 909-723-1695

San Bernardino:

Thanksgiving Event — Nov. 24 9 a.m.

Calvary Chapel Antorcha De Fe 761 w. 2nd St.

Food baskets for the first 200 families will be available Festivities include food, music, games, kid’s zone, free haircuts, bicycle repair, medical and dental screenings and community vendors and resource booths.

Information: 909-522-0362



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