March 27, 2025


El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

Colton Lions’ Toy Drive Big Success

2 min read

(L to R): Debbie Walker, Soledad Morden, Tommy Gaitan, Cynthia Calderilla, Dr. G, Fred Calderilla, Evelyn Lopez, Carlos Ariaza, Carmen Lozolla, Erik Morden

Last Saturday, the Colton Lions Club held their Annual Christmas Toy Drive at the La Cadena Express parking lot. A dozen members of this local service club, led by President Cynthia Calderilla, came downtown to the busy street of La Cadena Dr to set up their festive booth to receive donations of new toys from residents and businesses. All donations of toys that were received will be given out to Colton Children at Pepper’s Park (5th St and N Street) on December 21.

For the fifth year in a row, this active club boasts thirty members and has been developing a reputation for community-minded involvement. “We believe in helping the community,” says Soledad Morden, one of the long-time members. Whenever there is a holiday, a charitable cause, or special event, the Colton Lions are usually on the scene taking part and making headlines for the benefit of the Colton Community.

When asked about the Annual Toy Drive, Calderillla explained, “We want to help the children of Colton, especially those who might need a boost of Christmas spirit.”  Now in her second year as President, the Colton Lions have remained strong and continues to find new ways to help the community. Recently, the Colton Lions teamed up with CITYTALK (Dr. G) for their first ever All-Church Community Breakfast. This Saturday, they will be participating in the Colton Christmas Parade.

One of the members, Carlos Araiza added, “This effort is all for the kids.” Araiza had offered to help load and store the toys that were received. Calderilla also noted that special donations were also given by the Colton Chamber of Commerce, CR&R, La Cadena Express, several community members, and Council Member Dr. G, who also brought his trumpet to play a few Christmas tunes for the event.

The Christmas Toy Drive has become a very popular event for the Lions Club. “It’s actually a two-part event,” explained Morden, who elaborated, “we collected many toys at the Toy Drive, and then we’ll give them all away on Dec 21.” On that day, local children will be able to come with their parents to pick a toy of their choice, selected from the donations given at the Toy Drive. Congratulations to the Colton Lions Club for another successful Toy Drive event and may their efforts continue to shine in the community. For more information about the Colton Lions Club, contact President Cynthia Calderilla @ 909-503-3991.                                           

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